- 4. A massacre that occurred on February 8, 1968, killing 3 people on the campus of a South Carolina State University
- 6. Bridges The first black student to desegregate a school in New Orleans
- 7. City where Oliver Brown tried to enroll his child, but was denied access
- 8. This president sent Army troops to gain control of the situation at Little Rock Central High School
- 9. This president signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964
- 10. Supreme Court ruling that stated separating schools due to skin color was unconstitutional
- 12. "Separate but equal" became _____________ law
- 13. This sit-in on February 1, 1960 was the beginning of many sit-ins through the south, starting in North Carolina
- 1. Plessy vs. _____________ is the case that legalized segregation in Louisiana
- 2. The first black students who attempted to attend Little Rock Central High School
- 3. Thurgood _____________ was appointed the first black justice of the Supreme Court in 1967
- 5. The largest human rights political rally in U.S. history
- 9. This tactic was to refuse bail and cause jails to be overcrowded
- 11. In the summer of 1960, a strict segregation policy at this amusement part was challenged by the Non-Violent Action group (NAG) with march protests