Cross Babies

  1. 2. A baby bear
  2. 3. A baby's drink
  3. 4. Protects clothes
  4. 6. Song to help babies sleep
  5. 7. Two babies born at the same time
  6. 8. A toy to shake
  7. 9. Where you would find Iggle Piggle
  8. 13. Mum and Dad
  9. 14. Someone who looks after little people
  10. 16. These hurt when teeth start to grow
  11. 17. American word for dummy
  12. 18. Baby transport
  13. 19. Hangs over a baby's bed
  1. 1. A baby noise
  2. 2. A bed for a baby
  3. 3. A shop for baby things
  4. 5. Keeps baby warm
  5. 10. Soothes bottom rash
  6. 11. A baby toy
  7. 12. What does a baby wear on it's bottom?
  8. 15. A type of baby biscuit
  9. 17. Baby's favourite pig
  10. 20. prub (anagram)