Cross country

  1. 2. Rileys favorite ab exercise
  2. 3. where we run for most practices
  3. 5. last meet
  4. 6. important for efficient running
  5. 9. name of the game
  6. 11. what to pause if someone collapses
  7. 13. Joe and Ellen
  8. 14. running in direct lines
  9. 15. arm exercise
  10. 18. sharp metal used for gripping
  11. 19. Frankensteins and scoops
  12. 22. best friend or worst enemy
  13. 24. group change of pace workout
  14. 25. Friday game
  15. 26. change of pace run
  1. 1. sore muscle source
  2. 4. most important aspect of running
  3. 7. a type of award
  4. 8. units races are measured in
  5. 10. support for teammates
  6. 11. foot support
  7. 12. cc season
  8. 16. don't forget this race day
  9. 17. end of a race
  10. 20. general goal of all sports
  11. 21. compete in running
  12. 23. prerace exercise