  1. 3. Which is India's first fully electric car
  2. 4. Once Elon musk said"100 Tesla____could power the entire world. What was he referring to
  3. 5. Where is the world's highest EV charging station located
  4. 8. Name the type of battery used in electric vehicle
  5. 9. The car listed as the world's all time top selling plug in electric car till tesla model 3 surpassed it in early 2020
  6. 10. Oldest electric car
  7. 11. Name the electric car featured in Avengers:Endgame
  8. 12. What is the unit of current stored in a traction battery
  1. 1. In which EV hydrogen gas is used as fuel
  2. 2. The electric car served as a dummy payload for the February 2018 falcon heavy test flight
  3. 6. Name India's first electric car manufactured by mahindra
  4. 7. Which country has the most electric vehicle per capita