- 2. word game
- 4. italian car
- 8. santa ride it
- 10. wierd siliva from your moust
- 12. fast car from dubai
- 14. some who betrays people
- 16. a body part
- 20. palce kids go
- 22. a toilet
- 23. no teeth
- 1. sending something
- 2. find something
- 3. italian car
- 5. something ready to get
- 6. something you put stuff in
- 7. Uk car
- 8. kid at school
- 9. bad
- 11. to get
- 13. tressure
- 15. no roof
- 17. French car
- 18. fast
- 19. has a simalar logo to the olympics
- 21. wierd