Cross word

  1. 1. Transitions that indicate a condition, like "if," "unless."
  2. 6. Refers to nouns that name general items rather than specific ones.
  3. 8. Words that describe or modify nouns.
  4. 9. A conclusion drawn from evidence or reasoning.
  5. 11. To convince someone to do or believe something.
  6. 16. Transitions that add information, like "and," "also."
  7. 18. To provide information or knowledge.
  8. 20. A word that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea.
  9. 21. A referencing style used in academic writing.
  10. 23. Refers to nouns that name specific items, typically capitalized.
  11. 24. Words that describe actions or states of being.
  12. 25. A word that has the opposite meaning to another.
  13. 27. Transitions that help explain or clarify, like "in other words."
  14. 28. Words or phrases that indicate the type of transition or relationship between ideas in writing.
  1. 2. Something that is completely different.
  2. 3. Refers to more than one entity.
  3. 4. A word that modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverbs.
  4. 5. To amuse or engage the attention of an audience.
  5. 7. A statement of the exact meaning of a word.
  6. 10. A modal verb expressing possibility or permission.
  7. 12. A word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another.
  8. 13. A specific case used to illustrate a rule or concept.
  9. 14. Transitions that show order, like "first," "next."
  10. 15. Refers to one entity.
  11. 17. Nouns that are perceivable by the senses.
  12. 19. The quality of being logical and consistent.
  13. 22. Used for emphasis; to a great degree.
  14. 26. To talk about a topic in detail.
  15. 27. Transitions that show cause and effect, like "because," "therefore."
  16. 29. Nouns that represent ideas or concepts.