  1. 4. how loud or soft The volume is
  2. 6. moderately loud
  3. 9. a note held for one two beats
  4. 10. very loud
  5. 12. the category for how long a note Is
  6. 14. getting louder
  7. 15. how a piece is set out, ABA, A etc.
  8. 16. moderately soft
  9. 18. slow
  1. 1. a note held for one beat
  2. 2. a note held for half a beat
  3. 3. a note held for a quarter of a beat
  4. 4. getting softer
  5. 5. loud
  6. 7. tells us how many beats there are in each bar
  7. 8. a note held for four beats
  8. 11. colour how an instrument is played, stummed, plucked
  9. 13. two lines that tell us when a piece ends
  10. 17. soft