Cross word puzzle

  1. 2. I am the largest among salivary glands
  2. 5. I am the largest among ossicles
  3. 7. unnatural cell death mostly because of radiation, injury, or chemicals
  4. 10. Ballooning of an artery
  5. 11. I connect between bone to bone
  6. 14. I am situated behind the trachea
  7. 16. Twisted intestine / type of obstruction
  8. 19. Covering of the abdomen
  9. 20. Posteriorly I am soft but anteriorly I am hard
  10. 23. I am the largest gland in body
  11. 24. Type of anemia/ Inherited blood disorder
  1. 1. Sometimes my presence connects between trachea & esophagus
  2. 3. Where trachea bifurcates
  3. 4. Presence of blood in urine
  4. 5. Innermost layer of stomach
  5. 6. Blood Cancer
  6. 8. I am situated in left hypochondriac region
  7. 9. I am the smallest among ossicles
  8. 12. I prevent entry of food particle into trachea
  9. 13. I connect between muscle to bone
  10. 15. I prevent entry of food particle into nasopharynx
  11. 17. I store around 350 ml blood
  12. 18. Deficiency of WBC/ Decreased number of white blood cells (WBC)
  13. 21. Programmed & Natural Cell Death
  14. 22. It means slow heart rate