cross word puzzle-nature

  1. 2. an area of low land between hills or mountains
  2. 3. the land beside or near to the sea or ocean
  3. 5. a large amount of water covering an area
  4. 6. a violent storm with very strong winds which move in a circle.
  5. 7. synonym of sea
  6. 8. part of a river where the water flows very fast
  7. 11. a sudden, violent shaking of the earth's surface
  8. 12. an extremely large wave in the sea
  9. 13. a large area of land covered with sand
  10. 15. a steep high face of rock
  1. 1. a field covered in grass
  2. 2. a mountain with a large opening at the top through which gases and lava
  3. 4. a slide of large masses of snow and ice
  4. 5. where many trees grow
  5. 9. a long time when there is little or no rain
  6. 10. a bend or curve, as in a stream or river
  7. 14. the top layer of the earth in which plants, trees, etc. grow