Cross Word Puzzle Psycology

  1. 4. method, A general approach to gathering information and answering questions so that errors and biases are minimized.
  2. 6. Likes to chase mice
  3. 8. A method of self-observation in which participants report their thoughts and feelings.
  4. 10. A psychologist who believes that each person has freedom in directing his or her future and achieving personal growth.
  5. 13. A psychologist who studies how physical and chemical changes in our bodies influence our behavior.
  6. 14. science, Discovering ways to use scientific findings to accomplish practical goals.
  7. 16. A psychologist who studied the basic elements that make up conscious mental experiments.
  8. 17. Has a trunk
  9. 18. Likes to chase mice
  10. 19. Flying mammal
  11. 21. Having to do with an organism's thinking and understanding.
  1. 1. The scientific study of behavior that is tested through scientific research.
  2. 2. science, The pursuit of knowledge about natural phenomena for its own sake.
  3. 3. A psychologist who studied the function of consciousness.
  4. 5. Having to do with an organism's physical processes.
  5. 7. Large marsupial
  6. 9. A psychologist who studied how unconscious motives and conflicts determine human behavior, feelings, and thoughts.
  7. 11. A set of assumptions used to explain phenomena and offered for scientific study.
  8. 12. An assumption or prediction about behavior that is tested through scientific research.
  9. 15. Man's best friend
  10. 20. Man's best friend