Cross Words in a Cross World (PAK 10)

  1. 2. submarine
  2. 4. payment for war damages or damages caused by imprisonment
  3. 5. empty tract of land where everything has been destroyed by war
  4. 6. final set of demands
  5. 8. system in which government officials make all basic economic decisions
  6. 10. system in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all
  7. 13. lightning war
  8. 14. policy of supporting neither side in a war
  9. 15. prepare military forces for war
  10. 18. council of workers and soldiers set up by Russian revolutionaries in 1917
  11. 19. deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the other
  12. 20. right of people to choose their own from of government
  13. 21. agreement to end fighting in a war
  14. 22. deliberate attempt to destroy an entire religious or ethnic group
  15. 24. refusal to obey unjust laws
  16. 25. policy of giving in to an aggressor's demands in order to keep the peace
  17. 26. glorification of the military
  18. 27. working class
  1. 1. prime minister
  2. 3. extreme nationalist
  3. 7. destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war
  4. 9. reduction of armed forces and weapons
  5. 11. government in which a one-party dictatorship regulates every aspect of citizen's lives
  6. 12. method used by Allied forces to recapture some Japanese-held islands in the Pacific while by passing others
  7. 16. detention center for civilians who are considered enemies of a state
  8. 17. large farm owned and operated by peasants as a group
  9. 23. Japanese pilot who undertook a suicide mission