Crosshood Puzzle

  1. 1. a repeat provider or merchant of illicit drugs
  2. 3. to be inebriated by drugs and/or alcohol to the point of erratic or crazed behavior
  3. 5. a strain of high-quality Marijuana
  4. 6. a criminal trafficker that specializes in prostitution management
  5. 7. good or high quality to am exceptional degree
  6. 8. a semi-organized crime group using blue iconography
  7. 11. a collective of similarly affiliated individuals, often united by criminal activity
  8. 13. a small inhalation from a bong, joint, or marijuana pen
  9. 15. slang for a stack of bills large enough to require an elastic or money clip
  10. 18. an illicit beverage made from cough syrup, sprite, and a purple jolly rancher
  11. 19. african-american vernacular for a respected white male
  1. 2. a particularly notable posterior
  2. 3. a promiscuous or unfaithful woman
  3. 4. informal slang for luxury car or vehicle
  4. 6. pejorative for a singular police officer
  5. 9. cover word for crack cocaine
  6. 10. onomatapeia for a car's screeching tires
  7. 12. a concealable firearm
  8. 14. slang for a competitor or violent personal nemesis
  9. 15. slang for any prescription "downer" sold on the street
  10. 16. a semi-organized crime group using red iconography
  11. 17. untainted marijuana grown indoors in hydroponic greenhouses