Crossing by Gravitational Minds

  1. 2. larger circle where they revolve
  2. 4. first word of Kepler's second book (1619)
  3. 6. in the year of the Lord
  4. 8. Galilei discovered the phases of what planet
  5. 9. device before the telescope
  6. 12. his birthday is on Christmas day
  7. 13. last word of Newton's book where you can find his 3 laws
  8. 14. small circle where each planet move
  9. 15. Nova Kepler's book containing his first 2 laws
  10. 17. made the heliocentric system
  11. 20. Place where Brahe and Kepler met
  12. 21. King that gave Tycho the Hven Island
  13. 23. first report of the books of revolution
  14. 27. born on Germany to a Jewish family
  15. 29. fruit that fell on Newton's head
  1. 1. in 1572, Brahe witnssed an explosion of a star
  2. 3. Earth and center
  3. 5. biggest moon of Jupiter discovered by Galilei
  4. 7. dark patches of the sun
  5. 10. shape of the path where planets revolve
  6. 11. the model or system where the sun is the center
  7. 16. made the 3 laws of planetary motion
  8. 18. one of the Galilean moons
  9. 19. elios
  10. 22. theory where Albert Einstein is popular of
  11. 24. scientist who lived in Asia minor
  12. 25. composed of 13 books
  13. 26. astronomer who didn't appreciate Kepler's work
  14. 27. Country where Ptolemy flourished
  15. 28. made the first astronomical observatory with Kepler