Crossing into the New Years

  1. 7. What's the name of the main protagonist in the story?
  2. 8. What is the second day of khmer new year called?
  3. 9. What is the name of the cake made from beans, peas, coconut milk, and sticky rice slowly roasted inside a bamboo?
  4. 11. The 2023 Cambodian New Year ends on what day of the month?
  5. 14. The third answer to the riddle: Happiness in the evening is at people’s ….. as they wash it before relaxation and bed
  6. 15. When is the Khmer New Year held?
  7. 17. What is the name of the traditional dance performed to ward off the bad luck of the previous year?
  8. 20. On what day of Khmer New Year did Cambodians place fruits, flowers, rice, biscuits, perfume, soft drinks & beers in front of their houses as an offering to the deities and angels who are visiting earth?
  1. 1. Cleaning and watching the ….. Statue is a symbolic practice for washing away bad actions?
  2. 2. What is the name of the game played with beads, similar to congkak?
  3. 3. For this year’s Khmer New Year, What's the name of the angel in charge of bringing her father’s head to earth?
  4. 4. Nom ansom chek is the name of the cake made from sticky rice cake combined with slices of ….. steamed and wrapped in ….. leaves.
  5. 5. What's the main theme of ’s riddle given to our protagonist?
  6. 6. After losing to the protagonist, what part of King Kabil Moha Prum's body was cut off?
  7. 10. What is the name of the food dish made from mousse-like custard made out of curry paste, river fish and coconut milk that is steamed and wrapped in banana leaves?
  8. 12. What animal knew the answers to the three riddles?
  9. 13. What animal do this year’s angle ride on while descending to earth?
  10. 16. What is the most common place families visited during the Khmer New Year?
  11. 18. One of the modern Khmer New Year celebrations involves people gathering on the street to throw & spray ….. at each other?
  12. 19. Bos Ongkunh is the name of the game that consists of a group of people throwing hard and dark ….. seeds to knock down the other group’s seeds that were placed on the group.