
  1. 5. Where the wild lights are held
  2. 6. University
  3. 8. The climate zone
  4. 10. The first _____ baby girl in BC
  5. 11. TRU sports team
  6. 12. Pulp mill
  7. 13. Major mountain range through BC
  8. 15. Famous ski and snowboarding hill
  9. 16. Language of First Nations
  10. 18. Famous star spotting in Wal-mart
  11. 20. tree line
  1. 1. BCs national flower
  2. 2. Hockey team
  3. 3. Number of parks
  4. 4. In 1993 kamloops held the _____
  5. 7. people of kamloops
  6. 9. Controversial mine
  7. 14. original purpose for rivers
  8. 17. In the middle of a _____
  9. 19. Mayor