
  1. 2. If you drop a knife let it ____.
  2. 3. Use a separate cutting ___ for meats and other foods.
  3. 6. Sugar without fibers gets turned into ___.
  4. 8. Keep fingers away from ___.
  5. 10. Always ___ your hands as much as you can.
  6. 11. In the foodborne illness project the disease that was listed at first place was ____. (Salmonella)
  7. 12. The three measures that we mainly use are, dry, small and ____.
  8. 13. ____ anchors the yolk in place.
  9. 15. The 4 cleaning jobs are Dish washer, Dish dryer, ____, and lab helper.
  10. 19. Use ___ water for washing kitchen equipment.
  11. 20. In the breakfast burrito it says, ____ heat is needed for cooking eggs.
  12. 22. In the carrot cake muffins you ___ and finely grate the carrots into a small bowl.
  13. 23. Store ____ away from food.
  14. 24. In the Molten Chocolate Lava Cake Spray 2 ___ with non stick spray.
  1. 1. in the Pizza Dough recipe you ___ together all ingredients.
  2. 4. _____located at the large end of the egg, cools down the egg when laid.
  3. 5. To have a healthy breakfast you have to have a balanced meal with ____, protein, and fat.
  4. 7. In the smoothie lab you're supposed to stop the blender and fold everything in with a rubber ___.
  5. 9. in the pumpkin snickerdoodle recipe you're supposed to ____ the margarine.
  6. 14. Ms.Di Nunzio's favourite colour
  7. 16. ____ contains over 50% of eggs’ protein.
  8. 17. In the sugar project we learned another commonly used name for sugar was ____.
  9. 18. Know where the fire ___ is.
  10. 21. Keep your stove and oven area ___.
  11. 23. In the carrot muffins lab you're supposed to cool in the ___ for 5 minutes.