Crossrat Puzzle

  1. 2. The chubby rat strain, bred for obesity strains.
  2. 4. Red rodent tears (and nasal discharge).
  3. 8. The fungus among us rats.
  4. 9. Rat bullying can lead to this barbaric practice.
  5. 10. How to give me shots.
  6. 12. Do this to mice and cats, but not rats.
  7. 13. Rats show you love with their eyes.
  8. 14. My people have less than 1% inbreeding for at least 4 generations.
  1. 1. Blood draw site.
  2. 3. Rats bred to be fat lack receptors for this protein which makes you feel full.
  3. 5. Gland behind my eyes with a red discharge.
  4. 6. This childrearing practice makes rats easy to raise in labs and elsewhere.
  5. 7. A common disease commonly researched with rat subjects.
  6. 10. My people reproduced with their siblings for 20+ generations.
  7. 11. Tail condition caused by too much humidity.