Crossword 2

  1. 2. Diabetic Foot Ulcer usually occurs in patients suffering from chronic ___________
  2. 5. r in rh-PDGF stands for...
  3. 6. Osteoporosis is a common condition in _________________ women
  4. 9. Daily dose of Osteotide is usually ___________ mcg (in words)
  5. 10. The non-living part of tissue
  6. 12. Originator brand for Osteotide
  7. 14. Generic name for Osteotide
  8. 15. Color of epithelializing tissue
  1. 1. Cell responsible for collagen synthesis and deposition
  2. 3. Process in which blood vessels become narrow in order to restrict blood flow
  3. 4. Very important step that patient with Diabetic Foot Ulcer must ensure
  4. 7. Generic name for Healace
  5. 8. PDGF is the only growth factor approved by __ ____
  6. 11. You can remove ________ by crosshatching and applying Debridace
  7. 13. Healace and Debridace application frequency is once ________