
  1. 3. To move your head down and then up again quickly
  2. 5. Dry grass
  3. 9. A kind of test
  4. 10. Sad or crying
  5. 14. All the letters that are used in writing
  6. 17. Words and pictures that tell people what to do
  7. 20. An animal that lives in the trees
  8. 21. Two pieces of rope tied together
  9. 22. A yellow food made from cream
  10. 24. Someone who helps sick people
  11. 26. You can make cookies in it
  1. 1. An animal's foot
  2. 2. A small fish
  3. 4. A very large sea animal
  4. 6. A very large animal
  5. 7. It holds flowers
  6. 8. A musical instrument
  7. 11. Uncooked
  8. 12. A sailboat
  9. 13. Baby frog
  10. 15. A story told in moving pictures
  11. 16. A large cat
  12. 18. A large strong building
  13. 19. Not happy
  14. 23. Something that makes people laugh
  15. 25. Different kinds of animals are kept there