crossword 3

  1. 4. Enormous (4)
  2. 5. The opposite of 'quick' or 'fast' (4)
  3. 8. Become bigger (4)
  4. 10. An animal with fins (4)
  5. 11. The organ of hearing (3)
  6. 13. A place that is smaller than a city but bigger than a suburb (4)
  7. 15. We turn this when we read a book (4)
  8. 16. A movement of the head meaning 'yes' (3) e The sun rises in the_ _ _ _ the compass point opposite to the West (4)
  9. 17. A hand when closed very tightly is called this (4)
  10. 19. We may use this for frying food (3)
  1. 1. Another word for 'too' (4)
  2. 2. Some people cook with electricity and some use this (3
  3. 3. Rip or pull apart (4)
  4. 6. we jump into the pool we become
  5. 7. We buy things in this place (4)
  6. 8. Very pleased (4)
  7. 9. Part of a tree used for making furniture or for burning in a campfire (4)
  8. 12. We do this in a race at the Athletics Carnival (3)
  9. 13. A shelter we may use when camping (4)
  10. 14. He was at home but we _ _ _ _ not (4)
  11. 18. something that we see twinkling in the sky at night (4)