crossword 3

  1. 2. the improved performance of tasks in the presence of others
  2. 5. social influence technique that suggests people who agree to a small request are more likely to agree to a larger one
  3. 8. is the finding that repeated observation of a stimulus leads to greater liking of the stimulus
  4. 11. theory that states that the human eye holds specialized receptors for absorbing three wavelengths of light
  5. 12. occurs when members of a cohesive group emphasize concurrence at the expense of critical thinking in arriving at a decision
  6. 14. the theory that the spinal cord blocks or allows
  7. 15. effect created when a rapid series of slightly varying images is perceived as moving
  8. 17. theory of hearing that states perception of pitch is determined by the location of vibrations on the basilar membrane
  9. 18. when people persist in strategies that have worked in the past
  10. 22. when subjects feel change despite receiving empty, fake, or ineffectual treatment
  11. 23. the tendency for distributedstudy/practice to yield better long-term retntion
  12. 25. the tendency to forget information because of a competition from other material
  13. 26. signals to pass to the brain
  14. 27. theory stating that people are motivated to approach a desired level of arousal
  15. 28. theory that neurons either send signals or they don't; there's no in-between.
  16. 29. explains why IQ tests must be periodically re-normed so the mean score remains 100
  17. 30. the sudden realization of a solution to a problem
  1. 1. the theory of emotion that states conscious experience of emotion results from one perception of autonomic arousal without cognitive assessment
  2. 3. overestimating others tendency to notice and evaluate our appearance, performance, and blunders
  3. 4. theory that proposes that forgetting occurs because memory traces fade over time
  4. 6. people are less likely to provide help when they are in groups than when they are alone
  5. 7. theory that states that color perception depends on receptors that make opposite responses to three pairs of colors
  6. 9. the rule that we should pay back in kind what we from others
  7. 10. theory that claims that prejudice offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame.
  8. 13. illusion created when two or more lights next to each other blink on and off
  9. 16. the theory of emotion that states that physical and psychological states happen simultaneously
  10. 19. Festinger's theory stating that internal conflict propels people to change their beliefs.
  11. 20. theory of hearing that states that the frequency of hair cell vibrations determines the pitch one perceives
  12. 21. the theory that claims dreams are side effects of neural activation.
  13. 24. theory of motivation that stems from a need to maintain homeostasis