
  1. 2. branch of mathematics that studies relationships between lengths and angles of triangles.
  2. 3. (-3, -2) lies in ___ quadrant
  3. 6. y axis is also known as
  4. 8. if b^2-4ac=0 then its roots are ___
  5. 9. if no sides of triangles are equal then it is ___
  6. 11. who created the formula to find hypotenuse of triangle
  1. 1. ax^2+bx+c=0 is the ___ form of a quadratic equation
  2. 4. state the nature of √2
  3. 5. the theory which states states that every positive integer (except the number 1) can be represented in exactly one way is the fundamental theory of ___
  4. 7. (0,0) is located at the ___ of the graph
  5. 10. if corresponding sides of 2 triangles are equal then it is ___