Crossword 5

  1. 3. - What do baby dragons grow that helps them fly?
  2. 4. - What do you call a group of dragon eggs?
  3. 6. - What sound might a baby dragon make when it's hungry or upset?
  4. 8. - What do you call a group of dragons flying together?
  5. 11. - What do dragons do to produce fire?
  6. 13. - What do dragons do to find food when they're hungry?
  7. 14. - What glowing bit of fire does a baby dragon breathe out when it's young?
  8. 15. - What do you call a baby dragon when it first comes out of its egg?
  9. 17. - What covers a dragon's body and protects it like armor?
  1. 1. - What happens when a baby dragon breathes out fire?
  2. 2. - Where do baby dragons sleep?
  3. 3. - What's another word for a young dragon?
  4. 5. - Where does a baby dragon make its home?
  5. 7. - What's a type of dragon with two legs instead of four?
  6. 8. - What's another word for a piece of burning wood that a dragon might use to light fires?
  7. 9. - What shiny objects do dragons love to collect?
  8. 10. - What do dragons like to collect and keep in their lairs?
  9. 12. - What word describes creatures like dragons that aren't real but are often in stories?
  10. 16. - What sharp claw does a baby dragon use to grab things?
  11. 18. - What tiny bit of fire can start a dragon's breath?