
  1. 4. information about the facts obtained in the manner prescribed by law, on the basis of which the presence or absence of circumstances that are important for the correct consideration and resolution of the case is established
  2. 6. a person who has suffered physical, property or moral harm
  3. 9. a written notice of being summoned to the criminal prosecution body or to the court for the performance of procedural actions
  4. 11. a document that certifies the fact of production, the content and results of procedural actions
  5. 13. a procedural activity carried out by the defense in order to refute a suspicion or accusation or mitigate an accusation
  6. 15. a person exercising state supervision over the exact execution of laws
  7. 17. an investigative action that consists in obtaining and fixing, in the manner prescribed by law, the testimony of witnesses, victims, suspects, accused about facts known to them that are relevant to the case under investigation
  8. 18. a written demand addressed to an authorized state body to eliminate violations of rights and legitimate interests
  1. 1. a type of punishment that consists in keeping a person who has committed a crime and convicted by a court verdict in conditions of strict isolation from society
  2. 2. money or valuables paid for the pre-trial release of a suspect or accused of a crime
  3. 3. a request addressed to the body conducting the criminal process
  4. 5. a state authority that administers justice in the form of consideration and resolution of cases in the procedural order established by law
  5. 7. negotiations between the accused and the victim with the participation of a mediator in order to promote their reconciliation
  6. 8. a person who administers justice and decides on a case
  7. 10. causing damage to something or someone
  8. 12. a decision rendered by the court of first instance on the guilt or innocence of the accused, on the application or non-application of punishment to him and on other issues to be resolved
  9. 14. an individual or legal entity that has filed a claim for compensation for property damage
  10. 16. in the criminal process, an investigative action consisting in the examination of premises or persons in order to detect objects that are of any importance to the criminal case