Easy crossword

  1. 4. using something wrong
  2. 5. something in the ground
  3. 8. every food has something when u buy it
  4. 12. you cant sleep at night
  5. 13. u can be fixed by this
  6. 14. you see them at the olympics
  7. 15. putting a file in the wrong place
  1. 1. based on religion
  2. 2. everyone has something that they cant do
  3. 3. the government can have a certain amount of
  4. 6. you might spell a word wrong
  5. 7. to get paperwork
  6. 9. you do something bad and u try to work it out with a person
  7. 10. sharing with someone
  8. 11. you do this when u go back up after being underwater