
  1. 4. The country were the British grew opium.
  2. 5. States: Colonized the pacific.
  3. 7. Conference: The conference with Europeans talking about taking parts of Africa.
  4. 8. war: War due to a addictive drug.
  5. 10. Country with the most population in the world.
  6. 12. Strong country dominating weaker country.
  1. 1. Darwinism: Believe in survival of the fittest.
  2. 2. Man’s Burden: A poem about civilizing Africans.
  3. 3. Revolution: The transition of into modern time and factories.
  4. 6. Gold, Diamonds, Wood, Silver, and Rubber.
  5. 7. most powerful European country during the industrial revolution.
  6. 9. A group of people.
  7. 11. This continent was divided by the Europeans.