
  1. 4. Star that is part of the Milky Way and that is the center of the planetary system, in which the Earth participates. (p. 95, line 16).
  2. 6. Priestly vestments; chasuble. (p. 95, line 13).
  3. 7. Fuel produced from organic matter, esp. of vegetables or garbage. (p. 91, line 4).
  4. 8. First hydrocarbon of the series of alkanes (CH4) found in natural gas, coal etc.; us in petrochemicals and as a fuel. (p. 91, line 3).
  5. 10. Layer of gases that surrounds a planet and is held back by its gravitational pull. (p. 87, line 10).
  6. 12. Prolonged drought; lack of water. (p. 95, line 23).
  7. 14. Coldest season of the year, which is between autumn and spring [In the southern hemisphere, it extends from the June solstice (21) to the September equinox (23); in the northern hemisphere, from the December solstice (22) to the March equinox (21).]. (p. 102, line 25).
  8. 18. Biodegradable, non-toxic and low-polluting fuel, produced from vegetable oils extracted from various raw materials, which can be used. in diesel engines. (p. 91, line 9).
  9. 19. Cyclone species; devastating gale; storm, typhoon [Phenomenon common in Central America, Florida, Pacific (South and Northeast) and North Atlantic, where it is characterized by winds that reach 300 km/h.]. (p. 102, line 35).
  1. 1. Degree of heat or cold of the environment or a body. ( p. 87, line 5).
  2. 2. Quality or character of what is evident, of what leaves no room for doubt. (p. 87, line 3).
  3. 3. Who or one who is versed in science, esp. natural science. (p. 95, line 10).
  4. 4. Hottest season of the year, situated between spring and autumn [In the southern hemisphere, it begins when the Sun reaches the December solstice (21) and ends when it reaches the March equinox (20); in the northern hemisphere, it begins on the June solstice (21) and ends on the September equinox (21).] (p. 102, line 26).
  5. 5. Set of atmospheric conditions that characterize a region, by the influence they exert on life on Earth. ( p. 87, line 3).
  6. 9. Stormy and sudden wind that run with great fury in all directions, hurricane at sea. (p. 102, line 2)
  7. 11. M.q. ETHYL ALCOHOL. (p. 91, line 8).
  8. 13. Event, event that causes suffering and great harm (physical, moral, material, emotional); disgrace.(p. 102, line 6).
  9. 15. Ability of a body, substance or physical system to perform work [symb.: E ]. (p. 91, line 4).
  10. 16. Conclusions reached by the members of a commission (or a person) charged with carrying out research, or studying a particular problem or project. ( p. 87, line 14).
  11. 17. Vast expanse of salt water that occupies most of the earth's surface; ocean. (p. 95, line 1).