
  1. 4. One of Alex's favorite sports that includes bouncing a ball
  2. 5. One of Alex's favorite sports that requires you to pump your legs
  3. 8. one of Alex's dream dogs that is known for its huge size
  4. 10. Alex's current dream car
  5. 13. Alex's dream school
  6. 14. Alex's favorite stuffed animal
  7. 15. dream future location
  8. 18. Alex's favorite food
  9. 19. one of Alex's favorite YouTubers, he has an English accent and specializes in viruses and parasites
  10. 20. Alex's favorite book
  1. 1. Alex's favorite drink
  2. 2. one of Alex's dream dogs that is black and white
  3. 3. where Alex's grandparents live
  4. 6. how many kids does Alex want
  5. 7. one of Alex's favorite YouTubers named Mike who has a Newfoundland called Bear
  6. 9. Alex's favorite anime
  7. 11. Alex's favorite dessert
  8. 12. Alex's hobby
  9. 16. Alex's brother's name
  10. 17. what Alex wants to be when he grows up