- 3. Dab like a cat and sneeze like a ___
- 6. (2) The best pig
- 8. (2) Seluke’s pet peeve
- 9. a Star Wars character found in a meme
- 11. Althaitham and Candace were ordered to kill Lisa, Ambera, Kaeya and ___
- 14. (2) Tarantino-inspired SZA song title
- 15. (2) Chell is awakened by an ___
- 1. When there is no purifying powder available, you can use purifying ___ instead
- 2. Amber, Lisa, and Mona look like they have been hit by three ___
- 4. This many Mitachurls suddenly appeared while Amber was running away from the Hilichurls
- 5. Animals living in the shallow pool
- 7. Never trust a ___
- 10. Saved Kaeya and the others from Cyno and Dehya
- 12. Beacon of the ___ Sea
- 13. Acrostic subject
- 16. It all started when SCP-096 escaped from its containment cell, triggering a Level ___ security breach.