
  1. 2. - organized into meaningful sequences
  2. 5. - the stage when a girl sees her mother as a rival
  3. 6. - making use of research
  4. 7. - most people and animal is motivated
  5. 9. - about the way things ought to be
  6. 11. - he postulated that the mind consits roughly
  7. 12. - identified as human built
  8. 13. - between extrovert and introvert
  9. 15. - a study not only as a person on a whole
  10. 19. - bodily process that goes on
  1. 1. - less number of neurons
  2. 3. - isolated muscular movement
  3. 4. - concern with those things have been
  4. 6. - moral spiritual part of human
  5. 8. - he will be able to deal adequately
  6. 10. - individual feels dull and melancholy
  7. 14. - science dealing with a mind
  8. 16. - instinctual craving specially sexually
  9. 17. - one of the many reasons to criminal behavior
  10. 18. - idea concerning criminal behavior