
  1. 2. When is Children’s Day?
  2. 4. What did Tom’s dad make? (p. 75)
  3. 11. 97, 98, 99, ______
  4. 12. May I _____ you?
  5. 14. Where is mariachi from?
  6. 15. I’m going to do _____ on Thursday. (p. 83)
  7. 17. They are one dollar and ninety-nine cents. (p. 53)
  8. 18. You can find these trees in Hawaii. (p. 30)
  9. 20. I’m going to go _______ a soccer game.
  10. 21. If you’re sick, take some _____.
  11. 22. Go see a ______.
  12. 23. He is going to go swimming and fishing. (p. 89)
  13. 24. It’s a traditional Spanish dance.
  14. 25. Are you okay? What’s the _______?
  15. 26. Store name that has a sale. (p. 61)
  16. 27. When is your birthday? (p.40)
  1. 1. It’s a traditional Korean house.
  2. 3. What floor is the cooking club on? (p. 17)
  3. 5. That’s a good _______.
  4. 6. What club is Emily in? (p. 12)
  5. 7. Where will Anna and her family go? (p. 44)
  6. 8. You have bad teeth. Don’t eat too many ________.
  7. 9. It’s a traditional Korean game.
  8. 10. It’s a holiday in the U.K. (p. 44)
  9. 13. Where is Kelly going to go? (p. 88)
  10. 16. How much is the skirt? (p. 56)
  11. 19. What is wrong with Minjun? (p.70)
  12. 23. What grade are you in?
  13. 24. The movie club meets every _______. (p.16)