- 4. a room for cooking
- 6. children love this
- 7. we all have 32 of them
- 9. man’s best pet animal
- 11. opposite of North
- 13. King’s son
- 14. in cricket we hit the ball with this
- 15. unit of measurement for liquids
- 17. month which has minimum days
- 20. book to improve our vocabulary
- 1. ATM gives this
- 2. a citrus fruit
- 3. flying mammal
- 5. to deceive someone
- 8. long organ all elephants have
- 9. American currency
- 10. cat sound
- 11. the sky is full of this in the nights
- 12. God’s house
- 13. baby dog
- 16. shows you the time
- 18. we smell through this organ
- 19. a thread used to fasten papers