Crossword Anatomy

  1. 3. artery Transverse foramen
  2. 7. Sacral - S1
  3. 8. Lateral curvature
  4. 12. Found in the thoracic vertebral bodies
  5. 16. ligament Stabilization medium that joins the transverse processes
  6. 17. Thoracic Curvature
  7. 19. Spinous Process Bifida
  1. 1. Vertebrae with prominent downward directed spinous processes
  2. 2. Cervical transverse processes
  3. 4. Odontoid Process
  4. 5. ligaments They pass anteriorly and posteriorly to the vertebral bodies
  5. 6. intestine It inserts over the body of the spinous processes
  6. 8. They join spinous, transverse and articular processes.
  7. 9. process They are found in the lumbar vertebrae
  8. 10. Ax-shaped spinous process
  9. 11. fibrosus Intervertebral disc, central portion
  10. 13. Lumbar Curvature
  11. 14. Odontoid fossa
  12. 15. Unites body with vertebral arch
  13. 18. Ligament that inserts into the laminae