Crossword for diabetes quiz

  1. 2. A soft, lobulated organ having both exocrine and endocrine function.(8)
  2. 6. A hormone secreted by heterocrine gland, plays an important role in glucose homeostasis by glycogenolysis.(8)
  3. 7. Anti-diabetic drug withdrawn from market because of it causing lactic acidosis.(10)
  4. 8. Peakless insulin analogue.(8)
  5. 11. A disease where blood sugar is higher than normal.(8)
  6. 12. Most common ketone body in DKA.(12)
  1. 1. An aldohexose and a prime source of energy among carbohydrate.(7)
  2. 3. Cells present in Islets of Langerhan, secreting a hyperglycemic hormone.(5)
  3. 4. An oral anti diabetic drug used in PCOS.(9)
  4. 5. First human protein produced by recombinant DNA technology.(7)
  5. 6. Long acting 2nd generation sulphonylurea.(11)
  6. 9. Rapid acting insulin analogue.(6)
  7. 10. Most abundant cells in Islets of Langerhans.(4)