Crossword for Hoobae

  1. 3. Stuff that comes out of cows
  2. 4. Meal in the middle of the day
  3. 6. Dining hall on campus
  4. 8. What you wear on Halloween
  5. 10. Art building on campus
  6. 12. Smaller than a country but bigger than a city
  7. 13. Chair of KSA
  8. 14. Korean Word for little
  1. 1. Newest dorm on campus
  2. 2. Asian drink with dark tapioca shperes
  3. 5. Placemat for cups to prevent condensation from dripping
  4. 7. Place where you wash yourself
  5. 9. Chocolate flavored coffee
  6. 11. Opposite of man-made
  7. 12. Korean word for big