Crossword: Input and Output

  1. 1. Sophisticated printers used to produce high quality drawings such as blueprints, maps, and circuit diagrams.
  2. 2. A pointing device that comfortably fits under your palm.
  3. 5. A device that has keys you press to enter data or information into a mobile device.
  4. 7. hardware components that convey information from a mobile device.
  5. 8. where a computer keeps data, instructions, and information.
  6. 9. Printer that uses a process called additive manufacturing to create an object by adding material to a three-dimensional object, one horizontal layer at a time.
  7. 14. An aircraft device that is remote controlled by computers, apps, and other moblie devices.
  8. 15. A small, flat, rectangular pointing device that is sensitive to pressure and motion.
  9. 16. A device that has one or more inflexible, that will use magnetic particles to store data.
  10. 17. An audio output device that is placed on your ears.
  11. 19. Any hardware component that lets you insert data and instructions into a computer or mobile device.
  1. 1. Using a stylus or pen on a flat surface to write or choose options.
  2. 3. A service that will provide remote storage.
  3. 4. components that can store instructions and the data needed to execute them.
  4. 6. A meeting between two or more geographically separated people who use a network or the Internet to transmit audio and video data.
  5. 10. Refers to hard disks and SSD's.
  6. 11. A small symbol on the screen whose location and shape change as a user moves a pointing device.
  7. 12. Digital video camera that lets you capture video and audio input for your mobile device.
  8. 13. A machine that uses powdered ink and a laser beam to make images.
  9. 18. A device that conveys texts, graphics, and video information.