Crossword Lesson 1-2

  1. 2. ________Holmes
  2. 5. My _______ is to be a doctor.
  3. 6. I'm ________ when the school lunch is curry.
  4. 7. My dream is to _______ something new.
  5. 10. It is ______________ to travel to space.
  6. 12. Tom went to the park to ______ volleyball.
  7. 13. A tea that Peter's mom made for him.
  8. 14. Picking up trash is a good ___________.
  9. 15. ________ my mother came home, I was watching TV.
  10. 17. My dream is to ____ a teacher.
  11. 18. The man with the garden.
  1. 1. I _______ books to study about space.
  2. 3. I want to volunteer and help the __________.
  3. 4. Yuki performs at _______ concerts.
  4. 8. Miki had sushi to ______.
  5. 9. Peter didn't say anything __________he was too tired.
  6. 11. I was __________TV
  7. 12. _________Rabbit
  8. 16. I want to be a ___________ to grow vegetables.