- 1. The color you obtain if you mix yellow and green
- 2. Past simple of "to hide"
- 3. You can see it when the Sun goes down
- 4. British people usually drink it at five P.M.
- 9. A tiny insect
- 10. The capital of Ireland
- 11. A shop where you can buy pens, pencils and notebooks
- 13. King of the savannah
- 14. The first month of the year
- 15. Typical Anglo-Saxon bars
- 1. The residence of the Queen of England
- 2. A sweet food made by bees
- 3. Eating a soup would be difficult without it
- 5. You put them in your ears so you can listen to music
- 6. Snow White shouldn't have eaten it
- 7. Your father's brother
- 8. The very opposite of ugly
- 12. A person without hair