Crossword "Natural Disasters"

  1. 3. To save somebody.
  2. 6. A very strong wind that goes quickly round in a circle of funnel.
  3. 8. Major tropical storms that can cause huge waves, wind and rain.
  4. 11. The amount of rain that falls in a particular area during a particular time.
  5. 12. A heavy fall of snow that is blown by strong winds.
  6. 13. A very bad event.
  7. 14. A flash/bolt of light.
  8. 15. A very large wave that causes a lot of damage whet it hits the land.
  1. 1. A sudden shaking movement of the ground.
  2. 2. A long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die.
  3. 4. A person who has seen or heard something and so can answer questions about what happened.
  4. 5. A mountain that forces hot gas, rocks, ash and lava into the air.
  5. 7. A short period when it rains hard.
  6. 9. The act of punishing or hurting somebody who has hurn or harmed you.
  7. 10. A large amount of water that covers an area which was dry before.