Crossword of the day

  1. 3. Where does the famous entrepeneur Samatha Hinton come from?
  2. 5. Where do the magical coins,used for powering certain magical items, come from?
  3. 8. What is the common name for the iconic creature that breathes fire and has wings?
  4. 10. what can appear as a chest, door, or even a rug, luring adventurers into its trap?
  5. 12. Which monster is essentially a living stone statue?
  6. 14. Which country is known for its pirates which terrorize the surrounding coasts?
  7. 17. What is the term for an ancient, crumbling structure that is often filled with traps and treasure, waiting to be explored?
  8. 18. What class forms eldritch pacts with otherworldly beings, gaining unique magical abilities in exchange?
  1. 1. What are intelligent beings with elongated ears, known for their love of nature and archery?
  2. 2. What is the most basic form of undead?
  3. 4. Which land is known for still having living dinosaurs?
  4. 6. Known for stealth, cunning, and precision in combat, which class is skilled in sneak attacks, evasion, and the arts of thievery?
  5. 7. What class stands out for its ability to create magical gadgets, infuse items with arcane power
  6. 9. Which class excels in primal strength, tapping into a ferocious rage to become a formidable force on the battlefield?
  7. 11. What is the name of the famous library of Highland Harbour?
  8. 13. What is the term for the monstrous humanoid creatures with reptilian features, often found in the swamps and marshes?
  9. 15. What class specializes in archery, survival skills, and a deep connection with the creatures of the land?
  10. 16. What legendary creature is often depicted as horse-like being with a single, spiraled horn on their forehead?