  1. 2. Which artist was inspired by comic books?
  2. 6. What artist painted items like pies, cakes, lipstick and toys including a painting of Gumball machines called 'Three Machines'?
  3. 9. Who is the father of Pop Art?
  4. 11. Large marsupial
  5. 12. What city emerge as a center for the Pop Art Movement in the 1960s?
  6. 13. Likes to chase mice
  7. 14. Flying mammal
  8. 16. Likes to chase mice
  9. 20. What artist is known for painting American flags including the painting 'three flags'?
  10. 21. When did the pop art movement begin?
  1. 1. What aspect of American Culture inspired the pop art movement?
  2. 3. Which artist's 1967 work is a set of rectangular green boxes hanging from a wall?
  3. 4. Flying mammal
  4. 5. Large marsupial
  5. 7. Has a trunk
  6. 8. Has a trunk
  7. 9. Who is often considered the founder of the Pop Art Movement?
  8. 10. Man's best friend
  9. 15. Who became famous for painting 'Campbell's Soup Cans' and also painted 'Eight Elvises'?
  10. 17. What is the main characteristic of Pop Art?
  11. 18. What type of art uses optical illusion to trick the eye?
  12. 19. Man's best friend
  13. 21. When was Pop Art's popularity at its Peak?