Crossword Puzzel Choice #5

  1. 4. simple machines lever, pulley, screw, wheel and axle, inclined plane, wedge
  2. 5. A push or pull on an object
  3. 6. Uses force to move something
  4. 8. Plane A simple machine that is used to raise or lower things
  5. 10. Two inclined planes that are back-to-back, to hold things together or split them apart
  6. 11. The unbalanced force that acts on an object in motion-
  7. 12. Law An object in motion will stay in motion unless a greater force can act against it
  8. 13. Machine Tools that make work easier by allowing us to push or pull over increased distances
  1. 1. Uses wheel and rope to move heavy objects
  2. 2. The rate velocity changes with time
  3. 3. Rod that holds wheels together
  4. 4. An inclined plane that is wrapped around a cylinder with a flat head on one end
  5. 7. Law For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction
  6. 8. Resistance to change
  7. 9. Law Force = Mass x Acceleration