Crossword Puzzle

  1. 6. crime presume that scientific study of criminal behaviour should find the causes of such behavior
  2. 8. criminal behavior is dynamic process, influence by individual characteristics as well as social experiences and that the factor that cause anti social behavior change dramatically over a persons life span
  3. 11. criminal behavior is genetically transmitted from one generation to another
  4. 12. crime was likely a function of neighborhood dynamics, and not necessarily a function of the individual within neighborhoods
  5. 13. criminal behavior is learned not inherited
  6. 14. that crime result from the conflicts in society among the different social classes, and those laws actually arise from necessity as a result of conflict, rather than general consensus
  7. 21. insane person and those who committed crime in self defense
  8. 24. tends to emphasize relatively enduring behavioral, cognitive and affective predisposition (intelligence, emotionality) without necessarily requiring particular assumptions regarding the biological, psychological or social bases of these traits
  9. 26. self-identity and behavior of individuals may be determined or influence by the terms used to describe or classify them
  10. 28. posses Santa Claus body figure
  11. 30. people travel through stage of moral development & that it is possible that serious offender have a moral orientation that differ from those law-abiding citizen
  1. 1. attributing uncomfortable feelings to other
  2. 2. a thin, introverted person with poor social skills
  3. 3. society leads the lower class to want things and society does things to people
  4. 4. an individual will obey or disobey societal rules depending upon his or her ability to rationalize whether he is protected from hurt or destruction
  5. 5. people organized their thoughts into rules and laws and that the way in which those thoughts are organized results in either criminal or non-criminal behavior
  6. 7. person commits crime because of evil spirits
  7. 9. it is a social withdrawal due to intense, anxious shyness.
  8. 10. people learn from one another through a process of imitation
  9. 15. crimes committed because of the wrong perception when it comes to gender such abused by male over female because of the belief that male is the superior gender
  10. 16. evolutionary throwback
  11. 17. people choose to commit crime after weighting the benefits and cost of their action
  12. 18. believing that what is true is actually false
  13. 19. agression is the result of blocking or frustrating a person’s effort to attain goal
  14. 20. in order for crime to be committed, there must be motivated offender, suitable target as well as the absence of guardian
  15. 22. failure of man to achieve a higher status of life cause him to commit crimes in order to achieve such status
  16. 23. actions are morally right or wrong depends on their effects
  17. 25. had poor education during their childhood or have been in social interaction with criminals
  18. 27. founder of psychoanalysis, ID, EGO, SUPEREGO
  19. 29. criminals are throwback to a more primitive stage of human evolution and that the criminal tendency is inherited