Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. A small graphical representation of a program or file.
  2. 6. A system for linking related text documents that allows the participation of multiple users.
  3. 7. A panel of keys that operate a computer or typewriter.
  4. 8. An electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form.
  5. 12. A malicious piece of computer code designed to spread from device to device.
  6. 13. The act or an instance of shutting down and restarting something.
  7. 15. A process that copies all your files, data and information to effectively create two versions.
  8. 19. Is a line of desktop and laptop computers developed by Apple
  9. 20. A device that communicates between the internet and the devices in your home that connect to the internet.
  10. 22. Is an unexpected problem with software or hardware.
  11. 23. An imperative and procedural programming language, designed by Niklaus Wirth as a small, efficient language intended to encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring.
  12. 24. An object-oriented programming language that produces software for multiple platforms.
  13. 26. One of the first widely used languages and for many years the most popular language in the business community.
  14. 31. The component of your computer that allows you to store and access data on a long-term basis.
  15. 32. An electronic link providing direct access from one distinctively marked place in a hypertext or hypermedia document to another in the same or a different document.
  16. 33. Unix-like, open source and community-developed operating system (OS) for computers, servers, mainframes, mobile devices and embedded devices.
  17. 35. A data structure consisting of a collection of elements values or variables.
  18. 36. A language that Apple developed for various operating systems, including some of its smartphone operating systems, as well as desktop platforms.
  19. 38. A form of information
  20. 39. Is a modifier key on a keyboard, used to type capital letters and other alternate "upper" characters.
  21. 40. Refers to the act of eliminating a file, text, or another object from the computer hard drive or other media.
  22. 41. Is a term that describes digitizing an image, allowing it to be stored on or modified by a computer.
  23. 42. A computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis.
  24. 44. A general-purpose, compiled imperative programming language that is especially suited to numeric computation and scientific computing.
  25. 46. Process of detecting and removing of existing and potential errors in a software code that can cause it to behave unexpectedly or crash.
  1. 1. Is the virtual location for applications, documents, data or other sub-folders. Folders help in storing and organizing files and data in the computer.
  2. 3. Is a vast network that connects computers all over the world.
  3. 4. Are the virtual components or codes, which divides the physical core of a CPU into virtual multiple cores.
  4. 5. The clarity of the text and images displayed on your screen.
  5. 9. Is an English word that means “ network ,” “cobweb,” or “mesh.”
  6. 10. Connection between two devices
  7. 11. Is a non-volatile memory type.
  8. 13. Is anything that can harm a users information on a computer. This information can varry, in value, from computer to computer.
  9. 14. Is a computer's short-term memory, which it uses to handle all active tasks and apps.
  10. 16. Detailed plan or procedure for solving a problem with a computer.
  11. 17. Data that a computer sends
  12. 18. Deals with generating images with the aid of computers.
  13. 19. The main printed circuit board (PCB) in a computer.
  14. 21. The complete location or name of where a computer, file, device, or web page is located.
  15. 23. A cross-platform open-source computer programming language used widely in the commercial and private computing sectors.
  16. 25. Is hardware or software that is used to store something, usually data, temporarily in a computing environment.
  17. 27. The central data repository, or hub , in a corporation's data processing center, linked to users through less powerful devices such as workstations or terminals.
  18. 28. Is a person who utilizes a computer or network service.
  19. 29. A collection of linked web pages that share a unique domain name
  20. 30. Is described by its boundaries, structure and purpose and expressed in its functioning.
  21. 34. Writing data to a storage medium, such as a floppy disk, CD-R, USB flash drive, or hard drive.
  22. 37. Sometimes referred to as a screencap or screengrab, is an image that shows the contents of a computer display.
  23. 39. Comprises the entire set of programs, procedures, and routines associated with the operation of a computer system.
  24. 43. Is a function performed to reverse the action of an earlier action.
  25. 45. An interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language which supports multiple programming paradigms.