Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. Cordillera settlers developed Indigenous Knowledge Systems and __________.
  2. 5. Cordillera settlements are often near __________.
  3. 7. Indigenous peoples are the __________ of biodiversity in Cordillera.
  4. 9. Cordillerans have their own __________ based on natural indicators.
  5. 10. Cordillera settlers have a strong sense of __________.
  6. 11. The term "ili" refers to the whole __________ of the settlers.
  7. 17. Indigenous education in Cordillera is primarily based on __________.
  8. 19. Cordillera is home to various Indigenous __________ groups.
  1. 1. Cordillerans have their own justice systems based on __________ justice principles.
  2. 2. Cordillera has a natural heritage that showcases the importance of __________ protection.
  3. 4. Land use and development plans in Cordillera are designed for ________.
  4. 6. Cordillera's Educational Center of the North is known for __________ education.
  5. 7. Cooperative systems in Cordilleran communities promote __________.
  6. 8. Cordillerans developed rituals and ceremonies to maintain __________.
  7. 12. Indigenous peoples protect their lands through the declaration of __________ Land.
  8. 13. The growth of the concept of territoriality is connected to the growth of __________ identity.
  9. 14. Indigenous governance in Cordillera emphasizes __________ resolution within the community.
  10. 15. Cordillera's __________ region boasts a high level of biodiversity.
  11. 16. Elders and community members play a vital role in __________ the youth.
  12. 18. Cordillerans follow a bilateral __________ system.