Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. bear A soft cuddly toy.
  2. 6. Your siblings son.
  3. 7. A piece of cloth to keep their clothes clean while eating.
  4. 8. Something babies suck on to sooth them.
  5. 9. Seat A portable seat for a baby or young child.
  6. 11. Lets you see the inside of your tummy.
  7. 13. A small movable crib with a hood.
  8. 15. Noises babies make.
  9. 16. shower A party for a woman that are expecting a baby.
  1. 1. Noisy baby toy that you shake.
  2. 2. Trained to assist women in childbirth/pregnancy.
  3. 4. an anesthetic the goes into your back before giving birth.
  4. 5. Processed milk for babies.
  5. 8. A pregnancy/baby doctor.
  6. 10. One-piece clothing.
  7. 11. The sudden urges to eat a certain type of food.
  8. 12. Your siblings daughter.
  9. 14. The baby's room.