  1. 2. Mc Clelland's needs theory.
  2. 7. What is good work objective that allows you to see your progress.
  3. 8. What is good work objective that actionable goals ensure the steps to get there are w/in your control.
  4. 10. Process of management that includes the guiding and motivating team.
  5. 14. Parts of organizational theories also known as scientific management theory that control and order.
  6. 18. Resources in organization to which the workforce, and workers belong.
  7. 21. Mc Clelland's needs theory.
  8. 22. Leadership style that leaders involve followers in decision-making process
  9. 24. What is good work objective that avoid unnecessary stress by making the goal realistic.
  10. 25. Resources in organization that talks about computers, machines, robotics, and technologies.
  11. 27. Parts of organizational theories it emphasized the importance of the informal organization.
  12. 28. Types of objectives that focused on individual's personal development, growth and improvement.
  13. 31. Parts of organizational theories it emphasize that this theory views organization as complex system.
  14. 32. Leadership style measurement
  15. 34. Types of leadership style also know as "Do Nothing" Approach.
  16. 36. Types of objectives that focused on the task, responsibilities, and results that an individual or team must achieve within the scope of their role.
  17. 37. Factor in contingency theory
  18. 38. What is good work objective that set a date to help us to stay focused and providing something to work towards.
  19. 39. Parts of organizational theories emphasize that the effectiveness of organizational structures and process depends on various external and internalfactors.
  20. 40. This theory which is leaders should motivate followers to pass the obstacle to achieve the leaders path goal.
  21. 41. Process of management where you make sure that everything id going according to your plan.
  1. 1. What ideal of the business and its objectives; are the foundations for the activities to have excellence based on priorities.
  2. 3. Resources in organization that talks about infrastructure, building and equipment.
  3. 4. Parts of key components of organization centralization vs. decentralization refers it involves distributing decision-making authority to lower levels.
  4. 5. Resources in organization that talks about knowledge, skills, techniques, strategies used.
  5. 6. Leadership style that leaders have a complete power over people.
  6. 9. Parts of key components of organization centralization vs. decentralization refers to decision- making being concentrated at the top levels of the organization.
  7. 11. Mc Clelland's needs theory.
  8. 12. Process of management that includes making sure everyone knows their roles, securing the venue, and setting up a timeline.
  9. 13. It is a process of management that determines how and when will it be done.
  10. 15. Consists of statement of what the organization or a part of it wants to become.
  11. 16. It is about managers do to make things happen.
  12. 17. Key components of organizational structure to which group of employee based on their specific function or roles belong.
  13. 19. Factor in contingency theory.
  14. 20. Resources in organization that talks about money and finances.
  15. 23. This theory depends on leadership style and favorableness
  16. 26. A group of people working together to achieve a common goals or set of goals.
  17. 29. What is good work objective you need to be clear and specific so your goal are easier to achieve
  18. 30. Ability of individual or group to influence and guide follower.
  19. 33. Key components of organizational structure to which the responsible for a specific product and service belong.
  20. 35. Key components of organizational structure to which the employees have dual reporting relationship belong.