Crossword Puzzle 3.9

  1. 3. The region has issues with these groups who specialize in selling illegal drugs and extorting money.
  2. 5. This natural disaster is like a typhon.
  3. 7. Growth of this in major cities has caused shortages of all public services.
  4. 8. Poverty high crime rates, natural disasters have all led to this increasing.
  5. 10. The lack of money and poor geography has caused these nations to have issues building this.
  6. 11. This occurs when mud and soil slide down a hillside. These can hit populated areas killing people.
  1. 1. This is a major issue in Mexico City.
  2. 2. Middle America has more than 80 active currently.
  3. 4. Due to the governments not having the money to properly invest in their people issues with this have occurred.
  4. 6. Like in Taiwan this type of natural disaster is common.
  5. 9. Haiti has the lowest ranking in this category with the next closest country still have a rate that is double theirs.