Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. no one is blameless and upright man on earth
  2. 3. _____ (Elihu) the name of the fourth person who enters the conversation, when Job's friends fail to convince of his sinfulness. (Job 32:2)(unseen)
  3. 4. ____ (wife) advises Job to curse God and die. (Job 2:9) (unseen)
  4. 7. God answered Job from ______ (whirlwind) (Job 38:1) (seen)
  5. 8. When Job's first test occurred, his sons and daughters were ___ (feasting) (Job 1:18)(unseen)
  6. 10. Job was struck with _____ (sores) disease. (Job 2:7)(seen)
  1. 2. _____ (Bildad) came from Shuhite clan. (Job 2:11)(seen)
  2. 5. ____ (Eliphaz) the first to break the silence. (Job 4:1)(seen)
  3. 6. those who withhold ______ (kindness) from friend foresake the fear of almighty. (Job 6:14)(seen)
  4. 9. God told Job to___ (pray) for his friends (Job 42:8)(unseen)