  1. 2. most common metallic fixative.
  2. 5. one of the important process in which the pathologist arrives at a diagnosis.
  3. 7. same with agitation, it speeds up the decalcification.
  4. 10. clearing agent obtained from a citrus fruit.
  5. 11. stabilizes tissue proteins.
  6. 13. cleariing agent, for cytological studies like smooth muscle of skin and CNS tissues.
  7. 17. this is not a reliable method in testing the completeness of decalcification.
  8. 19. it preserves parts of the nucleus and usually contain glacial acetic acid.
  9. 23. it is the process of getting a tissue sample from a LIVING PERSON.
  10. 25. it is inferior compared to nitric acid in its role as decalcifying agent because of its slower action and greater distortion of tissue produced on the decalcified section.
  11. 30. it is the remedy for the inactivation of alkaline phosphatase activity.
  12. 31. can dehydrate and clear tissue at the same time. It may cause conjuctival irritation.
  13. 33. specimen to be processed to determine cause of death.
  14. 34. allows the general microscopic study of tissue structures without altering the structural pattern and normal intercellular relationship of tissues.
  15. 36. it is the routine tissue fixative.
  16. 38. the positive result for this method in testing the completeness of decalcification is by having a presence of bubbles.
  17. 39. clearing agent, toxic to liver.
  18. 40. both decalcifying acid and tissue softener.
  19. 41. the thickness for this specimen is 2cm.
  20. 44. type of fixatives that is use to preserve parts of cell.
  21. 45. process of removing dehydrating agent from tissues to replace it with a medium that will dissolve the wax with which the tissues is to be impregnated.
  22. 46. process of removing intercellular and extracellular water from tissues after fixation and prior to wax impregnation.
  23. 53. it is an environmental toxin
  24. 54. Fix myelin and peripheral nerves. Processing neurological tissues.
  25. 55. dehydrating agent that dissolves the paraffin.
  26. 56. can dehydrate and clear tissue at the same time. Tissue tends to ribbon poorly.
  27. 57. process of removing a calcium or lime salts from the organic extracellular matrix, calcified collagen and surrounding tissues of bones
  28. 58. most common chelating agent in the market.
  29. 59. this is the preferred osmolality in fixation process.
  30. 60. it is the only weak acid used extensively as a primary decalcifying agent.
  1. 1. dehydrating agent that are toxic by inhalation, skin contact and ingestion.
  2. 3. following fixation, in this process you can use tap water, alcoholic iodine and 50-70% alcohol.
  3. 4. considered as the most rapid decalcifying acid.
  4. 6. causes glycogen polarization.
  5. 8. a type of alcohol fixatives that classified both as nuclear and histochemical fixative.
  6. 9. excellent for glycogen demonstration.
  7. 12. this fixation method is mostly done for bacterial smear.
  8. 14. it is the process of entering the details of the specimen in a log book.
  9. 15. the positively charged calcium ions are attracted to negative electrodes from the decalcifying solution
  10. 16. placing an already fixed tissue to a second fixative.
  11. 18. is a very weak decalcifying solution suitable only for minute pieces of bone.
  12. 20. dehydrating agent and can also fix tissue at the same time. It evaporates quickly and highly flammable.
  13. 21. the one who process/prepare the specimens after the gross examination.
  14. 22. dehydrating agent for sections and smears and it causes minimun shrinkage.
  15. 24. it is the routine clearing agent.
  16. 26. it is the routine dehydrating agent.
  17. 27. fixative that is recommended for enzyme histochemistry and EM.
  18. 28. preserves chemical components of tissues.
  19. 29. In fixation process, human brain must undergo ______.
  20. 32. may be use as a holding solution for tissues to be transported to frozen sections or kidney biopsies for special processing.
  21. 35. it makes the sample processing quick and painless.
  22. 37. it is the process of immersing the specimen in 4% aqueous phenol for 1-3 days.
  23. 42. most commonly used acid in decalcification process.
  24. 43. defined as the killing, penetration and hardening of tissues.
  25. 47. this is the most reliable and most accurate method for testing the completeness of decalcification.
  26. 48. the one who perform the microscopic examination.
  27. 49. the fixation is traditionally carried out at this temperature.
  28. 50. a medium such as a solution or spray that preserves specimens of tissues or cells.
  29. 51. clearing agent that is highly flammable and carcinogenic, can damage BM leading to Aplastic anemia.
  30. 52. study of tissues.